Hi Vic,
Others have replied with the correct answers,
Trim from the outboard end only, if you have to take off more than 3/16'',
dig out the original closeout, deepen to 1/2'' and redo the closeout. [
2 Bids]
With the flap forced outboard so it hits the flap closeout ''endplate''
,you should shoot for a 1/8'' [ two mixing sticks] gap between the flap
outboard end and the aileron inboard end.
Fit the tip closeout panel arse backwards once you have the aileron trimme
d to size [ and got the angle true ]
-----Original Message-----
From: vicflett@tiscali.co.uk <vicflett@tiscali.co.uk>
Sent: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 14:36
Subject: Europa-List: aileron to wing attachment
Hi there,
just beguining to attach the ailerons to my wings on my xs
ono but they are too long!
i have read through the manual but cannot
ee where i am supposed to remove the excess.
is it from the inboard
lose-out next to the flap flange on the wing close out or on the wing
ip end close-out on the aileron.
also what clearance should i be
ooking for as this is not mentioned either..
some years to go
vic flett
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