everyone who knows Ferg loves his humour too and the wisdom it carries!=0AG
raham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A----- Forwarded Message ----=0AFrom: Kingsley Hurst <ki
ngsnjan@westnet.com.au>=0ATo: europa-list@matronics.com=0ASent: Sunday, 6 M
arch, 2011 10:36:04=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: Retirement - off topic=0A
=0ARetirement - off topic =0AThank you so much for your words of wisdom Fe
rg . . . . I feel much better =0Anow! Gee, I can relate to most of it al
ready while still in pre retirement =0Amode.=0A =0AYou are indeed a charac
ter mate and I love your sense of humour.=0A =0ACheers=0AKingsley=0A =0Ado
not archive.=0A----- Original Message ----- =0A>From: Fergus Kyle =0A>To:
5EUROPALIST =0A>Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 1:36 AM=0A>Subject: Europ
a-List: Retirement - off topic=0A>=0A>=0A>Kingsley,=0A> I see you are an
xious regarding impending retirement andIwrite to console =0A>you. I rea
lise that this is not=98company business=99and will not
repeat.=0A> I have been retired for 22 years. My wife has not.
=0A> The first item is the weekly calendar which consists of:=0A>
Saturday, Church, Garbage, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday and Saturday. Th
e =0A>last day of the week is:Yesterday. Everything must be done tod
ay=93see =0A>Yesterday.Routines assume immense proportionssincethe
re would be no room =0A>forPrevious Work..Hourlywage values approach zer
o since such thatyouwill spend 4 =0A>hours saving a dollar/euro/pound
=93abargain.=0A> Everything based on Forever takes on new meaning
. A 20-year =0A>investmenthas no meaning.=93in fact, an annual
subscription calls for Board =0A>Approval. To save a marriage, attempt t
o find a third person for the Board.=0A>Happy Sailing,=0A>Ferg=0A>Do notarc
=============== =0A