Alternative to heating the oil to open the thermostat for purging the system
after installing the thermostat:
My thermostat is mounted on top of the right side footwell. I simply filled
the "U" comprising cooler and both tubes with oil before connecting the
tubes to the thermostat. Fill slowly through one tube until the oil comes
up through the other, wait some minutes to see if topping up is needed
before connecting. Hold both tube openings at same level, of course.
The thermostat was not mounted in place when connecting the cooler side
tubes to it. By holding the tubes vertically and pushing the thermostat pipe
ends down into the tubes, air pockets inside the thermostat on the "cooler
side" will be avoided or being very small.
Best done with oil temperature as on a mild spring day, to assure easy flow
through the cooler when filling the "U".
Purge as normal after connecting the other tubes and fixing the thermostat
in place.
This worked fine for me, and was not a messy operation.