On 03/17/2011 02:13 PM, William Daniell wrote:
> Can you explain a little more about how the mocal installation works please?
See http://www.thinkauto.com/laminova.htm
These things are mainly sold in Europe under the name Laminova and in
the US under the name Mocal.
I'm using a C43-90 (plus a small radiator).
Raimo Toivio (912S) is using a C45-112 and no radiator.
Jos Ockhuisen (914) was using a C43-180 as far as I can see from the
> I am assuming that the heat exchanger goes in downstream of the radiator so
> that the oil is cooled at the coolest point of the system.
That's correct. I have mine inserted into the horizontal part of the
coolant hose just before the U-bend to the water pump.
> And also what are the specs of the heat exchanger.
See the same website, as well as various others.