Hi Paddy,=0A=0AHad this problem on my Airmaster prop. You can get a firmwar
e update from =0AAirmaster and download it into the controller using a spec
ial lead that I have, =0Ayou are welcome to borrow it.=0ANot hard to do and
cured mine. You can contact me on 07980756781.=0A=0ARegards Tony Higgins.
=0AEuropa Jabiru G-CHAH=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFr
om: Paddy Clarke <paddyclarke@lineone.net>=0ATo: europa-list@matronics.com
=0ASent: Sunday, 20 March, 2011 13:24:54=0ASubject: Europa-List: Airmaster
dyclarke@lineone.net>=0A=0AHi Folks, =0AI have just replaced my original Ai
rmaster prop controller (AC100) with the =0Aupgraded AC200 which uses the m
agnetic speed sensor and brush unit.=0AThis appears to be causing interfere
nce to my VHF transmissions. The receiving =0Astations report distortion an
d breaking up, which is also apparent on the =0Asidetone.=0AI am led to bel
ieve it is the prop because the interference goes away if the =0Aengine is
stopped or the sensor unit is disconnected. I substituted an ICOM =0Areceiv
er for the original Bendix/King one, and it is better but not cured.=0AHas
anyone else had a similar problem, and if you have, have you managed to sor
t =0Ait?=0AAll the Best, Paddy=0APaddy Clarke=0AEuropa G-KIMM=0A=0A=0A=0A