I must share this slowly-realised opinion, since I use it regularly. First,
I am in my 14th year of construction - for many reasons, one of which is
However, Bob Nuckols suggested "Shoo Goo", also known as E6000 I believe -
and which is locally available at the Dollar Store.
It is clear, colourless and an alcohol-based adhesive which squeezes out
(not really liquid) and sets fairly quickly. By the time the day is up, it's
pretty hardened but it continues until really stiff. It does not transmit
electricity, but CAN be pried out/off with a blade if necessary. It hardens
in the tube after about a year.
I used it to fix cable runs when an epoxied base was not feasible, but then
I needed something running a bit thinner. I mixed an equal amount of Toluol
[acetone don't do it )into a small plastic container (Kodak 35mm) with an
equal dollop of Shoo Goo and shook and stirred it until reduced in
viscosity. Magic.
I may now apply the thinner adhesive onto exposed wiring, and adjust the
thickness progressively (if necessary) with a bamboo stick, and in two days
it's hard as nails and really tenacious. When the 'rubber nipples" don't
completely seal off the air, thinned Shoo Goo does it nicely - and easily. I
have tested it after 5 years and found it still as good as ever.
Anyway, it's worth the try.......