Hi Graham
I brought some shoo goo from a English supplier a couple of years ago on
EBay, so it should be available
here if you look,
On 12 April 2011 23:35, GRAHAM SINGLETON <grahamsingleton@btinternet.com>wr
> Fergus
> don't suppose you know if it exists our side of the pond do you? No doubt
> someone thought a different name would be used. Not helpful to we users
> Graham
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Fergus Kyle <VE3LVO@rac.ca>
> *To:* 5EUROPALIST <europa-list@matronics.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 12 April, 2011 18:34:28
> *Subject:* Europa-List: Gluing Tip
> I must share this slowly-realised opinion, since I use it regularly. Firs
> I am in my 14th year of construction ' for many reasons, one of which i
> sloth.
> However, Bob Nuckols suggested =93Shoo Goo=94, also known as E6000 I bel
> ' and which is locally available at the Dollar Store.
> It is clear, colourless and an alcohol-based adhesive which squeezes out
> (not really liquid) and sets fairly quickly. By the time the day is up, i
> =92s pretty hardened but it continues until really stiff. It does not
> transmit electricity, but CAN be pried out/off with a blade if necessary.
It hardens in the tube after about a year.
> I used it to fix cable runs when an epoxied base was not feasible, but
> then I needed something running a bit thinner. I mixed an equal amount of
> Toluol [acetone don=92t do it )into a small plastic container (Kodak 35mm
> with an equal dollop of Shoo Goo and shook and stirred it until reduced i
> viscosity. Magic.
> I may now apply the thinner adhesive onto exposed wiring, and adjust the
> thickness progressively (if necessary) with a bamboo stick, and in two da
> it=92s hard as nails and really tenacious. When the =91rubber nipples=94
> completely seal off the air, thinned Shoo Goo does it nicely ' and easi
> I have tested it after 5 years and found it still as good as ever.
> Anyway, it=92s worth the try.......
> Ferg
> *http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Europa-Listllow" target="_blank" hr
> *
> *
> *