Just after I receive the kit I started looking at looking at engines. I had
finished building a plane with an engine that was to big for the plane. I
wanted only to build accordance with the manufactures recommendations. The
Eurpora had an 80HP Rotax, but I think all pilot's are like Tim Allen,
"MORE POWER"! I have a speed sheet of all the numbers. TBO, MPG, HP, Torque,
speed, price, two blade, three blade, constant speed, ground adjustable. I used
this forum and read all the remarks. I drove to San Diego and looked at a
Subaru installation. That scared me. I had just gone through putting a bigger
engine on an airframe and I wanted firewall forward no changes. I looked at
120 vs. 115 HP then the prices. I read about the problems so I knew going in
I would need a good EFIS system to monitor the engine. I choose the MGL
I can monitor the six cylinders and record the flight information during
testing. I knew that Jabiru had made a lot of changes to the engine from when
Graham had tried it. There were larger fins now, hydraulic lifters and a couple
of things that help. Again, PRICE. One thing I liked about the Jabiru
was the KISS principle. I get to fly my plane for forty hours. Surely, I can
figure out my problems during that time frame. I will be flying during the
time here in California so I have to make it right quickly. Hopefully,
I make to OSH this year. Im looking forward to see a lot of you there.
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