Just gitterdun buddy - you're in for a treat! 6 yrs down the road and it s
till runs like a raped ape! No regrets except for getting the cooling
system to work but you have handled that nicely I believe.
> From: fklein@orcasonline.com
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Jabiru vs. Rotax
> Date: Sun=2C 17 Apr 2011 18:49:06 -0700
> > The Jabiru will use a little over one gallon more per hour so it
> > will cost me $5.00 more an hour to operate.
> Rick=2C
> To anyone with or contemplating a Jab for their Europa=2C I can't think
> of a better resource than archived europa-list posts by John Lawton.
> As I recall=2C he's posted better performance figures than Bud mentions.
> John's been to Jabiru school and has a Rotax maintenance certification
> as well inasmuch as he regularly flys a motorglider w/ a Rotax in
> addition to his Jabbed Europa trigear.
> He's also very generous with his time to discus issues and his
> experiences w/ both engines...and quite satisfied w/ his Europa
> installation...I believe his engine has mechanical lifters. I was very
> interested in the Jab (with a fairly complete FWF kit) before the
> demise of Suncoast Aviation.
> As some of you know=2C I've proceeded to install a 140 hp MPEFI'd Sube
> variant I bought from RAM Performance Ltd which comes w/ a PSRU from
> N. Zealand=2C Airtex fuel pump=2C and a plug-n-play ECU. Cost was $16.5k
> USD. Spent almost a year designing and fabricating mounting frame=2C
> cooling & exhaust systems=2C cowls=2C remote oil filter/cooler and adding
> sensors for a compatible EMS. The proof will be in the pudding=2C but I
> hope to join Glenn Crowder who regularly flies his 125 hp carburated
> Sube powered Classic out of his home field at 5000' ASL in Colorado.
> Stay tuned=2C
> Fred
> A194