I agree Sven,=0Athere is also the problem of wear and tear of the wrapping.
We used to find it =0Ashed fibres and dust into the engine bay which is no
t very good. There's =0Aprobably too much low frequency vibration.=0AGraham
=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Sidsel & Svein J
ohnsen <sidsel.svein@oslo.online.no>=0ATo: europa-list@matronics.com=0ASent
: Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 9:26:02=0ASubject: SV: Europa-List: Carb, fuel an
d oil tube heat shielding=0A=0A=0ABrian,=0A =0AI do not want to recommend f
or or against exhaust wrapping, because I have no =0Aexperience with it, bu
t my quick comment is this:=0A =0AI would rather not reduce the air cooling
of the exhaust pipes. Have you seen =0Athe photo from Rotax=99 engi
ne test bed, at max take-off condition? Frightening, =0Aif you did not kno
w that it is designed to take it: The exhaust pipes are =0Aliterally glowi
ng red!=0A =0AAfter I saw this, I always think about it at lift-off and red
uce to climb =0Asetting as soon as it is safe.=0A =0AMy personal view is th
erefore to reduce the radiation that hits the carbs and =0Arubber hoses as
much as possible, rather than trying to prevent the heat from =0Aescaping i
ts source. Shielding the carbs and the hoses has only positive =0Aeffects,
==== =0A