Not yet, I just sent off the application for engine mod. Then final inspect
ion =0Aand apply for test flying.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A_______________
_________________=0AFrom: Brian Davies <>=0ATo: eur Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 16:31:30=0ASubject:
RE: SV: Europa-List: Carb, fuel and oil tube heat shielding=0A=0A=0ANice pi
c, Graham.=0A =0AIs it flying again?=0A =0ABrian=0A =0A =0A =0AFrom:owner-e =0A[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matroni] On Behalf Of GRAHAM SINGLETON=0ASent: 11 May 2011 14:44=0ATo: europ Re: SV: Europa-List: Carb, fuel and oil tub
e heat shielding=0A =0AHi Brian=0Amaybe I should do it on my Lycoming. Plen
ty of heat under that cowling. The =0Aexhaust extraction works well though.
=0AGraham=0A =0A=0A________________________________=0A=0AFrom:Brian Davies
<>=0ATo: Wednesda
y, 11 May, 2011 14:03:25=0ASubject: RE: SV: Europa-List: Carb, fuel and oil
tube heat shielding=0AGraham,=0A =0AThe modern stuff does not do that, but
is very expensive.=C3=82 It is interesting =0Athat the LAA approves it on
some Rotax 912 installations.=0A =0ARegards=0A =0ABrian=0A =0AFrom:owner-e =0A[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matroni] On Behalf Of GRAHAM SINGLETON=0ASent: 11 May 2011 12:01=0ATo: europ Re: SV: Europa-List: Carb, fuel and oil tub
e heat shielding=0A =0AI agree Sven,=0Athere is also the problem of wear an
d tear of the wrapping. We used to find it =0Ashed fibres and dust into the
engine bay which is not very good. There's =0Aprobably too much low freque
ncy vibration.=0AGraham=0A =0A =0A=0A________________________________=0A=0A
From:Sidsel & Svein Johnsen <>=0ATo: europa-list Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 9:26:02=0ASubject: SV: Europ
a-List: Carb, fuel and oil tube heat shielding=0ABrian,=0A =0AI do not want
to recommend for or against exhaust wrapping, because I have no =0Aexperie
nce with it, but my quick comment is this:=0A =0AI would rather not reduce
the air cooling of the exhaust pipes. Have you seen =0Athe photo from Rota
x=C3=A2=82=AC=84=A2 engine test bed, at max take-off condition? =0AF
rightening, if you did not know that it is designed to take it: The exhaus
t =0Apipes are literally glowing red!=0A =0AAfter I saw this, I always thin
k about it at lift-off and reduce to climb =0Asetting as soon as it is safe
.=0A =0AMy personal view is therefore to reduce the radiation that hits the
carbs and =0Arubber hoses as much as possible, rather than trying to preve
nt the heat from =0Aescaping its source. Shielding the carbs and the hoses
has only positive =0Aeffects, and weighs very little.=0A =0ARegards=0ASvei
n=0A" =0Ahref="http://forums.mat"> =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82
- The=0A Europa-List Email Forum utilities such as List Photoshare, and m
uch much =C3=82 =C3=82 =0A--> http://www.matron=========
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n Web generous =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3
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=C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82 =C3=82 -Matt =0A =0Ac
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k" =0Ahref="">http://forums.m= --> =0A=0A
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