My memory failed me - it was actually Euro 89 that we each had to pay for the
permit, not "only" Euro 80!
We read about the requirement and found the contact information on the website
of UK's LAA. The response from the Belgian authorities referred to Article 4(2)
of the Royal Decree of 16 March 2009, and listed the various information and
aircraft documents to be submitted. In due course, a "Temporary permission
to fly over Belgian territory" arrived, and some months later, the invoice
(the fee was mentioned up-front, though).
Far from wanting to teach anyone anything, let me just say that filing a flight
plan does not in itself give permission for anything, not even as far as
the flight as intended (clearances must be obtained along the route).
Air traffic control and bureaucratic matters are two different issues. The ATC
does not check whether the pilot is qualified to command the aircraft, or
the aircraft is airworthy, before e.g. giving clearance for entry into
airspace. They assume that the pilot is "legal", the aircraft airworthy
and other papers are in place, and take it from there.
We were well aware of the common practice of not applying for a permit to fly
the Belgian coast, but decided that we would rather pay the cost of the permit
than the price of not having one in case we had to land in Belgium for some
reason or became involved in an incident, when the authorities might ask
We may fly as birds, but in this modern time and age we are far from as free as
birds when we fly.