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RE: Europa-List: Europa Finger Brakes

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Europa Finger Brakes
From: nigel henry <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 21:03:03

Just some tips   perhaps you have water in the system so drain and refill w
ith correct fluid.  Also if you have air in the system Hold the finger leav
ers forward agaist the stops for a day=2C which will drain the air to the t
op of the system and should give you a better pedal just pump gently a few 
times if it returns then you have an air leak or water ingress od stuck pis
tons also if the brakes start to stich on check the lines for being pinched

Date: Thu=2C 10 Nov 2011 20:38:55 +0000
Subject: Europa-List: Europa Finger Brakes

Can I just get a bit of advice from anyone with finger brakes fitted?

Mine seem to be a bit odd.  Firstly=2C if i just pull a single one of them 
it will hit the stop=2C whereas if i pull them both they have more feel and
 don't hit the stop quite so much=2C however they seem to respond better wi
th a bit of pumping first.

Essentially I'm saying that they appear to be substandard=2C need pumping t
o work properly=2C and even then pulling just one doesn't seem to work well

Any thoughts on what could be wrong?  An engineer investigated it but could
n't find anything wrong - he checked they were bled and suchlike=2C he then
 reported it was caused by the fact the master cylinders were not big enoug
h for the callipers so they need pumping.


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