Could you please provide the exact part numbers for the MATCO Brake cylinders
the Europa TRI?Aircraft Spruce lists 4 types: MCM-5 and MCM-5A. MCM-4 and
Christoph Both
Wolfville, Nova Scotia Canada
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Frans Veldman
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa Finger Brakes
On 11/11/2011 04:57 PM, Carl Meek wrote:
> Attached is a picture of my master cylinder, apparently it's a "New
> Jamar finger brake controller all filled with DOT5.1 fluid filled from
> the wheels as per the build book"
DOT5.1 is not per the book. The book says 5.0. You might think that 5.1
is an upgrade of 5.0, but it is not, it is entirely different stuff.
Apart from that, the Jamar brakes are rubbish. My kit came with the
Jamar cylinders, after spending almost a frustrating week in futile
attempts to bleed them and to get these things working, I tossed them
out and replaced them by Matco cylinders. Bleeding was then a piece of
cake and the brake system now works like a charm. I'm glad I never flew
with the Jamar cylinders but got rid of them just in time.
> I just popped the cover off the levers to look at the master cylinders
> and there are A LOT of very large bubbles in the left hand tube leading
> out of the master cylinder.
I have been there. Forget about getting these bubbles away. I pumped
almost a full can of DOT5.0 through these things but the bubbles never
went away.
Now you have used DOT 5.1 instead of DOT 5.0, you have probably
destroyed the seals. Don't bother fixing them, toss the whole thing out
and replace them by Matco's and fill the system with red aircraft
hydraulic fluid.