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Re: Europa-List: Re: SV: Oil tank breather catch bottle

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: SV: Oil tank breather catch bottle
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2011 09:43:24
Hi Svein,

Neville has a way of doing this, give him an email at:  
_neveyre@btinternet.com_ (  and he will  be 
delighted to let you 
have the information.



In a message dated 17/12/2011 13:39:49 GMT Standard Time, writes:

-->  Europa-List message posted by: "Remi Guerner"  <>

Hi Svein,
I agree that it is nice to  install a device to prevent any oil vapor 
condensation from the breather to  stain the bottom of your fuselage. However,
my opinion, the installation  shown on your picture looks unsafe as there 
is very little section for the  vapor to escape. The result can be a too high 
pressure build up in the oil  tank and also in the crankcase with possible 
bad consequences:
- what makes  the oil returning from the crankcase to the tank is the 
blow-by which creates  a pressure build-up inside the crankcase, pushing the oil

out to the tank. If  the oil tank is not appropriately vented to the 
atmosphere or if the vent is  restricted significantly, then the differential 
pressure between the crankcase  and the tank will be reduced, possibly leading
a reduced flow of oil back  to the tank. In the worst case, you may end up 
with a full crankcase, an empty  tank... and then a dead engine! 
- the increased pressure in the tank and  the crankshaft may also cause the 
seals to blow out, leading to loosing all  your oil in flight. 
I would suggest you increase the diameter of the  venting hole of you 
bottle to about 8 mm which is the diameter of the venting  hose recommanded by

Remi  Guerner

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