Trev, Karel & Tim,
You are lucky guys!
You are a grand fellow!
Blue skies & tailwinds,
Bob Borger
Europa XS Tri, Rotax 914, Airmaster C/S Prop.
Little Toot Sport Biplane, Lycoming Thunderbolt AEIO-320 EXP
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX 76208-5331
Cel: 817-992-1117
On Dec 19, 2011, at 12:22 PM, Raimo Toivio wrote:
> Some of you
> may remember this topic and The Contest
> =93What is the jury=B4s decision? All of you (who gave a guess or
more) will get a little surprising shipment from Finland: just let me
know your exact address info details direct to
> I got in time only three addresses and so The Winners are:
> Trev Pond (G-LINN) from UK
> Karel Vranken (F-PKRL) from Belgium
> Tim Ward (ZK-TIM) with all his daughters from New Zealand
> Congratulations!
> What they will get?
> I am happy to say I have today made three equal shipments: all of them
included no more or less than
> - an aviation style belt with an unic hologram engraving =93Europa
Aircraft logo=94 with personal register # G-LINN, F-PKRL and ZK-TIM=94
> (Karel will get Khaki coloured belt because that match well to his
Europa painting scheme, Trev and Tim will get Marine Blue coloured belts
because that colour is a vital part of their nationality)
> - an English version of the book =93Finland for tourists=94 packed
full of nice pictures from our country
> - a book =93Xenophobe=B4s guide to The Finns=94
> and
> - a sheet of very best available Finnish chocolate.
> I hope a safe arrival for these shipments.
> The rest of you ' look at the attached photo - now it is a good time
to start to envy!
> I would like to thank all of you for taking part to this topic and
competition. It was interesting to see how many reasons there could be
to get some Heavy In-flight Vibration. When (?) I have some spare time,
I will make a complete list for possible reasons and share it to you.
> Season=B4s Greetings!
> Now you all know Santa lives really in Finland!
> Cheers, Raimo Toivio
> <Europa%20A2A-ala2OK[1].png>
> Europa XS Mono OH-XRT #417
> Updated flight hours /landings: 258,15 /466
> 37500 Lempaala
> p +358-3-3753 777
> f +358-3-3753 100