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Re: Europa-List: Heavy In-flight Vibration Riddle /The Solution /The

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Heavy In-flight Vibration Riddle /The Solution /The
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 21:47:45

On 12/19/2011 07:22 PM, Raimo Toivio wrote:
> may remember this topic and The Contest
> What is the jurys decision? All of you (who gave a guess or more) will
> get a little surprising shipment from Finland: just let me know your
> exact address info details direct to <> 

I remember the contest but I think I somehow missed the address part. 
Anyway, this is a nice idea. Thanks for cheering up the list!
I intended to keep flying this winter but the weather didn't cooperate 
and the aircraft is already relocated to the far end of the barn with 
lots of pallets with stuff in front of it. Get to dig it out to make a 
nice winter flight one of these days.

> The rest of you  look at the attached photo - now it is a good time to
> start to envy!

Indeed! ;-)

> I would like to thank all of you for taking part to this topic and
> competition. It was interesting to see how many reasons there could be
> to get some Heavy In-flight Vibration. When (?) I have some spare time,
> I will make a complete list for possible reasons and share it to you.

That would be a great idea!

> Now you all know Santa lives really in Finland!

In the Netherlands we have a rather unique tradition that we don't 
celebrate Santa but "Sinterklaas" who lives in Spain but visits our 
country by boat the three weeks before his birthday at december 5th, 
together with his black helpers, and disappers after december 5th.
During his stay he and his helpers get down chimneys to put candy's in 
childrens shoes, and at december 5th he delivers a bag of presents to 
each house. Christmas is just, well, christmas. We traditionally don't 
give presents at christmas (although foreign influences tend to 
infiltrate slowly into our country and some people share presents at 
christmas these days).

So, you can keep your Santa in Finland where he belongs. ;-)


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