On Feb 21, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Duncan & Ami wrote:
> used Smooth Prime only on those surface that had a problem with pin
> holes,
> which was mostly the wet-layup flying surfaces.
> Everywhere that I used it there is now a problem (starting to
> manifest at
> about 5 years age, now at 11 years) with microblistering. Others
> experienced
> worse.
> In other areas I used an epoxy solvent-based primer filler.
Duncan...thank you very much for relating your experiences...hmmmmm.
When reading the info on Smooth Prime, I notice an emphasis on the
need to thoroughly remove all moisture from the sanded, smooth-primed
components with a dehumidifier before sealing the surfaces. Do you
recall whether or not you used a dehumidifier?