I had a dehumidifier that ran in the workshop more or less constantly. RH
was always below 50%.
All normal precautions taken with the Smooth Prime, plus roller-applied and
ensuring that it was never wet-sanded.
In my view, the talc content is too high (which makes it easy to sand and
smooth to the touch), but adds weight and absorbs water.
Anyway, most of the Smooth Prime was sanded off; I only bought one pot and
it was used primarily to get rid of pin holes and (by coincidence not
design) most areas had an aerospace quality epoxy primer applied on top,
which was less expensive too and in future I'll use that. Pity I bought-in
to the Polyfiber hype about pinhole filling; it wasn't any better at that
anyway (if applied with a roller).
Oh well, refinishing the 'plane will give me something to do in retirement!
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Fred Klein
Sent: 21 February 2012 15:24
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Smooth Prime
On Feb 21, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Duncan & Ami wrote:
> used Smooth Prime only on those surface that had a problem with pin
> holes,
> which was mostly the wet-layup flying surfaces.
> Everywhere that I used it there is now a problem (starting to
> manifest at
> about 5 years age, now at 11 years) with microblistering. Others
> experienced
> worse.
> In other areas I used an epoxy solvent-based primer filler.
Duncan...thank you very much for relating your experiences...hmmmmm.
When reading the info on Smooth Prime, I notice an emphasis on the
need to thoroughly remove all moisture from the sanded, smooth-primed
components with a dehumidifier before sealing the surfaces. Do you
recall whether or not you used a dehumidifier?