UK Homebuilt Aircraft on a Permit to Fly are daylight only VFR as you know.
The LAA (formally PFA) is still actively considering a case to the UK CAA
for IFR operations for this category. No date has been given for a
determination. It might be better to await the outcome of this work.
Unfortunately, we do not have accurate operating records of all UK Europas
and the data you request would be quite time consuming to produce. We do
have records of approximately 120 flying Europas but that is only from
current club members who have taken the trouble to pass on this data.
Brian Davies
The Europa Club, membership sec.
[] On Behalf Of Sidsel & Svein
Sent: 22 February 2012 06:03
Subject: Europa-List: Europas in the UK
I am still in discussion with the Norwegian CAA regarding their ban on
flying at night or in IMC with Norwegian registered Experimental class
aircraft (just entered the 4th year, their response time is sloooow).
The ban is imposed on all of the aircrafts by conditions in the permits to
fly, but according to the best legal expertise, it is not legal to impose
such a ban generally unless it is made part of the formal aviation
regulations. If not in the regulations, each individual aircraft must be
considered on its own merits before placing such restrictions on it. Our
CAA says that they have considered each, which is b.s.
In support of my line of argument (that each aircraft must be considered
individually), I would very much appreciate information on the following:
- Approx. how many Europas are flying in the UK?
- How many accumulated flight hours?
- How many hours on the aircraft having flown the most? Which
engine does it have?
The reason for asking only about UK statistics is that our CAA is looking
more to what the UK does than other countries. By the way, any development
in the PFA regarding this issue - there was some discussion about this a few
years ago, wasn't it?
I have looked through all the reports on the 84 Europa accidents in the UK
AAIB web site - nothing there to support that a correctly built Europa with
912ULS is likely to have an engine problem!