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Re: Europa-List: Europas in the UK

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europas in the UK
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 09:04:23

G info at the CAA has this information, i.e. hours flown for  individual 
aircraft please see this link which will give you all Europas  registered in 
the UK with all their information:


best regards


In a message dated 22/02/2012 11:49:50 GMT Standard Time, writes:

-->  Europa-List message posted by: "David Joyce"  

Sven, You could get a good  approximation by going to the 
Europa website and looking at the list of  all flying 
Europas Some of Hesse have up to date hours flown, some  
have hours flown last updated several years ago, whilst 
others have  never bothered to supply any hours. If you are 
prepared to do the work,  you could update the second 
category on a proportional basis, and provide  hours for 
the last category on the assumption that they will be a  
similar group to the first two categories.
Alternatively you could contact Andy Draper at 
the LAA and  ask him whether there is the possibility of 
him giving you the precise  data, as the LAA require hours 
flown for every annual renewal.
Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ

"Sidsel & Svein Johnsen"  <> 
> I am still in  discussion with the Norwegian CAA 
>regarding their ban on
>  flying at night or in IMC with Norwegian registered 
>Experimental  class
> aircraft (just entered the 4th year, their response time  
>is sloooow).  
> The ban is  imposed on all  of the aircrafts by 
>conditions in the permits  to
> fly, but according to the best legal expertise, it is 
>not  legal to impose
> such a ban generally unless it is made part of the  
>formal aviation
> regulations.  If not in the regulations,  each individual 
>aircraft must be
> considered on its own merits  before placing such 
>restrictions on it.  Our
> CAA says  that they have considered each, which is b.s.
> In support of my line of argument (that each aircraft 
>must be  considered
> individually), I would very much appreciate information  
>on the following:
> -     Approx. how many Europas are flying in the  
> -          How many  accumulated flight hours?
> -           How many hours on the aircraft having flown 
>the most?   Which
> engine does it have?
> The  reason for asking only about UK statistics is that 
>our CAA is  looking
> more to what the UK does than other countries.  By the  
>way, any development
> in the PFA regarding this issue - there  was some 
>discussion about this a few
> years ago, wasn't  it?
> I have looked through all the reports  on the 84 Europa 
>accidents in the UK
> AAIB web site - nothing  there to support that a 
>correctly built Europa with
> 912ULS is  likely to have an engine problem!
>  Regards,
> Svein

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