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Re: Europa-List: TS05 retention query

Subject: Re: Europa-List: TS05 retention query
From: Steven Pitt <>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2012 08:19:43

Rowland - I tried to take some pictures this morning but could not get the 
right resolution to help with your enquiry.
However, I checked my aircraft and can see that I cut a piece of plywood 
(possibly about a foot long) and fibregalssed it onto the inside of the tail 
on either side of the vertical surfaces, forward of and level with the top 
of the trimtube slots. I then cut a 'u' shape slot between them to allow the 
trim tube to move up and down but restricted the side to side movement.
This version means that the side slots remain open but also means that the 
TS05 is not altered which might lead to jamming if the discs were to move.
I hope this helps.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rowland Carson" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2012 10:33 PM
Subject: Europa-List: TS05 retention query

> <>
> I seem to recall that someone on this forum mentioned adding small 
> lightweight discs near the ends of the TS05 cross-piece, inside the 
> fuselage. This had the dual effect of keeping the TS05 from moving 
> sideways while rigging and de-rigging (reinforcing that provided by the 
> ply pieces called out in the manual) and also improving the cosmetic 
> appearance of the slot in which TS05 operates.
> I've searched the back postings using various keywords that I thought 
> likely but can't turn up what I'm looking for.
> Would the original poster (or someone who remembers the posting) please 
> help me find it? Date of the post, who made it, or a copy of the original 
> would all be very acceptable.
> in friendship
> Rowland
> | Rowland Carson          ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
> | <>  
> | Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson      Facebook: Rowland Carson
> | pictures:

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