Are you able to ask the previous owner?
On 8 Jul 2012, at 10:48, Alan Carter wrote:
> Hello Bob
> I live in England in the County of Kent, And have joined the LAA and Europa
> Club.
> First Aircraft purchased.
> I will check all again shortly.
> TCU, Two lights + Switch , Maybe Amber and Red, Have not seen these operate ,
with engine master switch on , with engine running or stopped. (only the Amber
at very low RPMs) Alternator or TCU >> ????
> Starter, yes this one is labled, and does go out after start up.
> Low Voltage Light, yes would think one is , But no lights showing with Master
On, and engine stopped, Will check this out again. ( Has a Volt meter gauge)
shows about 13 volts.
> Now , i have seen the Amber light come on during my engine run plug testing,
it come on at rough running when the engine is at very low revs, now it this a
TCU warning or a Alternator low volt warning.
> Have No EFIS ete
> Low Oil Pressure, How can i check this, one would think this would be on
> before
the engine is started. But with the Master ON i have No Lights Showing.
> FLYdat Engine Display, I think this is telling me it has not been reset after
engine service, As after putting the Master switch on, it comes up with service
then after say 30 sec it displays cold engine parameters.
> Move key to start engine it goes off and displays Service again, then comes
back on line after the engine has started and works OK,
> But this display of Service in the display is there for a least 30 to 40
> seconds
before you get the engine readings displayed. So no indication at initial
start up.
> No little Red Warning light as far as i know, So i think the Red Engine
> Warning
light it to do with the TCU.
> Regards
> Alan
> Read this topic online here:
> Attachments: