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Europa-List: Re: The Standard Warning Light

Subject: Europa-List: Re: The Standard Warning Light
From: Remi Guerner <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 03:15:07

Hi Alan,
I been there before. When I purchase my aircraft 11 years ago, the Flydat was 
"Service" because the previous owner had exceeded the max RPM after breaking
his prop during a forced landing. The french Rotax distributor - Avirex-
reset the unit at no charge. Then several years later and long after I installed
a new engine, the Flydat started to show service again, while I was sure I
had not exceeded any engine limit. I went to Rotax again and they told me this
was before I had reached the TBO limit as set in the Flydat by the Rotax 
At the time of manufacturing of my original engine and Flydat (around 1999)
the TBO for the 914 was 600 hours, so this is what is entered in my Flydat.
The unit was reset to zero time as it was the only way to erase the "Service"
warning in that case. Unfortunately there is no way to change the TBO entered
into the Flydat memory. That means I will have to go to Rotax every 600 hours
to reset my unit in spite of  having now an engine with a 1500 hours TBO. 
Now there is only one inconvenience -a major one- with flying with the unit 
"service": while the unit is displaying "service", i.e. during the first
   30 seconds after starting the engine, you cannot check your oil pressure,
as no parameter is displayed. Otherwise the Flydat is fully functional after the
"service" warning is gone. The warning/alarm function is working normally as
The reset is a 2 minutes work with the proper tooling connected to the jack on
the front face of the unit, so there is no need to remove it from the panel. 
with your Rotax dealer if they do it for free.
Hope that helps
Remi Guerner
F-PGKL, XS monowheel, 912ULS, 950 hours total.

""the Flydat has been showing "Service" for some time, and is brought about by
exceeding a parameter, say a prop over-speed, and only Rotax can Reset the unit
at probably some extortionate cost . 
He has been flying with the unite like this for some years,, 
This is not good practice, and i am not sure if the warning lights do there pre
start checks with Service showing,""

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