Hi Fred,
That's quite a list of stuff this thing has to do! But I bet it can be done.
will be a handy hanger accessory.
I feel a need for a small, light, jacking block to use with most any jack that
would be part of my tool kit in the aircraft.
On Aug 11, 2012, at 1:44 PM, Fred Klein <fklein@orcasonline.com> wrote:
> This thread is of great interest as I'm nearing the end of my build. As I've
pondered this issue, I'm thinking that the ideal mechanism would do the
> - stabilize the fuselage when wings are detached,
> - function w/ and w/o the cowl attached,
> - allow for changing of tire and tube,
> - allow for testing of LG retraction and deployment,
> - allow for the airplane to be easily moved about a hangar in any
> direction...think
of hangar-sharing w/ other aircraft.
> To accomplish these goals, I've been thinking about some kind of
> platform/dolly
with 3 or 4 castering wheels of sufficient size to roll easily on turf, gravel,
or concrete combined w/ a hydraulic jack and some kind of a cushioned cradle...
> Perhaps...in my innocence...I'm over-thinking here, so I'm very interested to
know whether or not those who have been flying, hangaring, transporting, and
maintaining their aircraft have dealt with these issues with any equipment other
than the standard trailer.
> Comments and experience appreciated,
> Fred