Thanks Gert, give my regards to Jens if you see him. =0A=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A
=0A________________________________=0A From: Gert Dalgaard S=F8rensen <stab>=0ATo: =0ASent: Sunday, 12 Augus
t 2012, 11:57=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: Jacking up the mono=0A =0A=0ACorr
ect, Graham -- -as always -:) -- -F16, RDAF, name ...=0AIt was bu
ild by Jens Aabo, Jens Kristensen and me.=0AWe build three examples, and Je
ns Aabo, Jens Kristensen and i each have one.=0AWorks great.=0AI can upload
detailed pictures if anybody is interested.=0AGert=0AOY-GDS / mono / 914
=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ADen 12/08/2012 kl. 11.44 skrev GRAHAM SINGLETON
<>:=0A=0AI think it is Finland or Denmark, Us
ed to know his name but can't quite remember, Jens Szabo?=0A>I know he sold
his project unfinished, family reasons. He was in the Air Force and worked
on F16- perhaps?=0A>Sorry about the head scratching!=0A>=0A>Graham=0A>
=0A>=0A>=0A>________________________________=0A> From: G-IANI <g-iani@ntlwo>=0A>To: =0A>Sent: Sunday, 12 August 2012,
10:25=0A>Subject: RE: Europa-List: Jacking up the mono=0A> =0A>Fred=0A>=0A
>I have found a picture of trolley that might fit your requirements.- Pic
ture=0A>attached and I have added it to the web site.- I know nothing abo
ut it and=0A>the file name does not seem to help.- Looking at the vehicle
s in the picture=0A>it looks European but not UK.=0A>=0A>Does anyone know w
ho built it or more details?=0A>=0A>=0A>Ian Rickard G-IANI XS Trigear, 300h
ours=0A>Europa Club Mods Specialist=0A>e-mail =0A>=0A>
=0A>=0A>-----Original Message-----=0A>From: owner-europa-list-server@matron>[] On Behalf Of Fre
d Klein=0A>Sent: 11 August 2012 21:45=0A>To:>S
ubject: Europa-List: Jacking up the mono=0A>=0A>--> Europa-List message pos
ted by: Fred Klein <>=0A>=0A>This thread is of great
interest as I'm nearing the end of my build.- =0A>As I've pondered this i
ssue, I'm thinking that the ideal mechanism would do=0A>the following:=0A>
=0A>- stabilize the fuselage when wings are detached,=0A>- function w/ and
w/o the cowl attached,=0A>- allow for changing of tire and tube,=0A>- allow
for testing of LG retraction and deployment,=0A>- allow for the airplane t
o be easily moved about a hangar in any=0A>direction...think of=0A hangar-s
haring w/ other aircraft.=0A>=0A>To accomplish these goals, I've been think
ing about some kind of=0A>platform/dolly with 3 or 4 castering wheels of su
fficient size to roll=0A>easily on turf, gravel, or concrete combined w/ a
hydraulic jack and some=0A>kind of a cushioned cradle...=0A>=0A>Perhaps...i
n my innocence...I'm over-thinking here, so I'm very interested=0A>to know
whether or not those who have been flying, hangaring, transporting,=0A>and
maintaining their aircraft have dealt with these issues with any=0A>equipme
nt other than the standard trailer.=0A>=0A>Comments and experience apprecia