I'll look for some pictures. I don't have them at the home office
I've been too busy to finish the testing and market them. Sorry, there
will be no plans as this is an across the board wheel pant that can be
applied to any aircraft.
I've been long term testing and have drug them on the pavement, checked
brake clearance problems, brake cable routing, blown tire survivability,
etc. trying to see what will suite all types of fliers, fields etc. We
are now testing to see how it works on rough fields, determining where
clearance from the tire and ground gives max speed vs max survival on
grass fields. I do not like negative feedback, and I have a lot of it
---From myself as it took my guys twice as long to install them than it did
for me and my initial set has stress cracks due to pounding on multiple
touch and goes. Prototype two and three only have about 25 hours on
them in the field.
The wheel pant has an outside, and an inside which must match well, and
a metal and nylon spacers and reinforcements, and be light weight and be
able to take ground punishment without cracks or failure. The molds
need to be changed to meet our construction needs. Delicate little doo
dads tend to crack and fail over the long term. I try to make things
that are light, well tested, durable, and easy to install.
So just trying to make a buck (or at least break even). We have to put
the marketing together. After the elections, my medical tests are
complete, and I clear out some aircraft, I'll pull back a little to cut
the hours down and do more testing. Then I'll do a new set of molds.
I'm shooting for a complete trigear set of pants and gear legs, with tow
bar for $1000. That's $20 per hour with it fitted for the Europa.
Right now I don't like the gear leg transition to the fuselage. Too
So after we get the Jabiru cooling mod article finished,
Do the new cowl for the Rotax,
Finish the new trigear step,
Do more propeller testing,
build two sets of glider wings with mod 78,
and finish two kits, I'll get right on it.
Sorry. I just don't want to sell the wine before its time. I have
three sets in test and want to look and see how they do in a real world
environment. 100 hours on them so far, and the third prototype is
holding up well.
----- Original Message -----
From: Frans Veldman<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Winching attachment points to Tri Gear for
On 08/08/2012 05:14 AM, Bud Yerly wrote:
> I prefer to pull the aircraft facing forward on my dual axel
In the Netherlands, and I think in most of Europe, you need a special
driving licence for such a trailer. And there are restrictions on the
type of car used to tow it. Furthermore, such a trailer needs to be
registered and you can not build it yourself.
I have the required license and the required type of car, but I had to
give up on getting the custom trailer licensed. It is far easier here
get a registration for a homebuilt airplane than for a custom built
trailer. So, I'm forced to keep the trailer unlicensed, and that means
that it is limited to a total weight of 750 Kg's (including the load)
and "single axle" (which may also be dual axle provided the axles are
adjacent to each other).
In such a situation, (especially with "one" axle) it is best to load
airplane backwards so the trailer's axle can be close to the rear. You
are right about the rudder lock, that is really necessary, but for the
rest I don't see any disadvantages.
There is another advantage: if I unload the airplane on our local
strip I can just hop in and taxi away, no need to replace the trailer
to turn the aircraft around in the grass. This is really convenient.
> My plane does have my custom wheel pants that are hinged so it only
> takes three screws to undo the pant, flip it up out of the way and
> down the wheel.
Any pictures about these wheel pants?