Welcome to Downunder.
There are 2 builders on the North side of the harbour.
Tony Renshaw tonyrenshaw268@gmail.com
Brian Phillips bphillips@ausgrid.com.au
That should get you started.
Lance Sandford
Hervey Bay
On 09/09/12 12:16, Philip Lincoln wrote:
> Hi Everybody!
> Been a while since I wrote anything but recently (well, back in Jan.)
> I moved from Stockholm (SE) to Sydney (AU).
> Packed up everything including my Tri-Gear kit 426 (still
> unfinished... sigh...) which finally arrived here in June and is now
> in storage along with my other worldly goods.
> Would love to get in touch with any (all) Europa builders/fliers here
> in the Sydney (or NSW) area...
> Regards,
> Philip (Tri-Gear Kit 426)
> PS:
> To all Swedish/Nordic builders & fliers... Yes, this is what happened
> to me (in case you were wondering).
> *
> *