And one down toward the Vic Border at BEGA NSW - Kit327 - classic
Bob Gowing
[] On Behalf Of Philip Lincoln
Sent: Sunday, 9 September 2012 12:16 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Sydney Area Builders-Fliers - Looking to get in touch
Hi Everybody!
Been a while since I wrote anything but recently (well, back in Jan.) I
moved from Stockholm (SE) to Sydney (AU).
Packed up everything including my Tri-Gear kit 426 (still unfinished...
sigh...) which finally arrived here in June and is now in storage along with
my other worldly goods.
Would love to get in touch with any (all) Europa builders/fliers here in the
Sydney (or NSW) area...
Philip (Tri-Gear Kit 426)
To all Swedish/Nordic builders & fliers... Yes, this is what happened to me
(in case you were wondering).
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