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Re: Europa-List: fuel flow

Subject: Re: Europa-List: fuel flow
From: <>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 20:11:43
Hi Ian,

Thanks for this. I was tipped off that it was one of yours and I've just 
been reading it - nice work. It answers my question of how to accurately 
monitor fuel flow with a return line and just one transducer - although 
the required plumbing does leave the connections to the carburettors 
exposed to possible vapour lock (as Nev pointed out).  As with all 
things in aviation - everything is a compromise.


On 26/09/2012 18:35, G-IANI wrote:
> Nigel/Max
> The Mod quoted is the LAA Mod 12209 which I wrote (Not an FAA Mod).  
> In the document I quoted what some builders had said which was that 
> they had obtained adequate results by assuming the return flow was 
> constant and "fixing" the "K" factor accordingly..
> The best solution as other have stated is to get a single transducer 
> located after the bleed to the return line.  If you cannot achieve 
> this (and are feeling rich) two transducers (one flow and the other 
> return) is the way to go.
> Ian Rickard G-IANI XS Trigear, 300hours
> Europa Club Mods Specialist
> e-mail
> *
> *

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