I just recently purchased a partially completed monowheel "classic" kit.
The rear wing pins have not been installed and I have all the parts for Mod
52. The pins with the Mod are sized W24/4 and because I was unsure whether
they were the original W24 pin or new, I test fit them into the socket
assembly W26A,B,C and they fit perfectly. However, in reading Mod 74, it
lists the pins as W24/7. When reading Mod 52, in the body of the text
talking about socket assembly, it relates the new W24/5 pin should be test
fit. So, can someone tell me the difference between the W24/7, W24/5 and
W24/4 terminology as it relates to the pins? I know it is proabably a
simple answer for this esteemed group, but I appreciate any info as I am
trying to increase my knowledge of this wonderful aircraft.
Tyler J.