Tyler,=0A-=0ARe Wing pins, W 24, I recently replaced the W 24 wing pins o
n my Europa XS, and was surprised at the increased length of the threaded p
ortion of the pin that arrived. (Approx 3 times longer than removed pins).
=0A-=0AI rang Karen at the Europa factory to check that the part was of t
he correct specification.=0A-=0AThe reply was that the long pin was now s
tandard , as supplied for the mod 52 (classic wing) modification, ie the pi
n is long enough to-pass through the mounting plates, and after cutting a
hole in the underside (of the classic) wing-a flox resin pad is created
under a washer and nylock nut, hence the longer thread.-=0A-=0ASo a che
ck assembly (dry run) should confirm if the installed pin length will allow
the nut and washer to all fit.=0A-=0AOr ring Karen first-at the Europa
factory and ask if the pins they stock are the same size as the pin you ha
ve ( and the current part number) she is very helpful .=0A-=0APS when you
go ahead get your inspectors sign off before you close up the access hole
!=0A-=0ARegards=0A-=0AKevin=0A =0A=0A________________________________
=0A From: Tyler J <helidogtyler@gmail.com>=0ATo: Europa-List@matronics.com
=0ASent: Thursday, 22 November 2012, 19:35=0ASubject: Europa-List: Rear Win
g Pins=0A =0A=0AI just recently purchased a partially completed monowheel
"classic"-kit.- The rear wing pins have not been installed and I have a
ll the parts for Mod 52.- The pins with the Mod are sized-W24/4 and-b
ecause I was unsure whether they were the original W24 pin or new, -I tes
t fit them into the socket assembly W26A,B,C and they fit perfectly.- How
ever, in reading Mod 74, it lists the pins as W24/7.- When reading Mod 52
, in the body of the text talking about socket assembly, it relates the new
W24/5 pin should be test fit.- So, can someone tell me the difference be
tween the W24/7, W24/5 and W24/4 terminology as it relates to the pins?-
I know it is proabably a simple answer for this esteemed group, but I appre
ciate any info as I am trying to increase my knowledge of this wonderful ai