Thank you for the information.
On Nov 22, 2012, at 2:04 PM, K BURNS <> wrote:
> Tyler,
> Re Wing pins, W 24, I recently replaced the W 24 wing pins on my Europa XS
, and was surprised at the increased length of the threaded portion of the p
in that arrived. (Approx 3 times longer than removed pins).
> I rang Karen at the Europa factory to check that the part was of the corre
ct specification.
> The reply was that the long pin was now standard , as supplied for the mod
52 (classic wing) modification, ie the pin is long enough to pass through t
he mounting plates, and after cutting a hole in the underside (of the classi
c) wing a flox resin pad is created under a washer and nylock nut, hence the
longer thread.
> So a check assembly (dry run) should confirm if the installed pin length w
ill allow the nut and washer to all fit.
> Or ring Karen first at the Europa factory and ask if the pins they stock a
re the same size as the pin you have ( and the current part number) she is v
ery helpful .
> PS when you go ahead get your inspectors sign off before you close up the a
ccess hole !
> Regards
> Kevin
> From: Tyler J <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, 22 November 2012, 19:35
> Subject: Europa-List: Rear Wing Pins
> I just recently purchased a partially completed monowheel "classic" kit. T
he rear wing pins have not been installed and I have all the parts for Mod 5
2. The pins with the Mod are sized W24/4 and because I was unsure whether t
hey were the original W24 pin or new, I test fit them into the socket assem
bly W26A,B,C and they fit perfectly. However, in reading Mod 74, it lists t
he pins as W24/7. When reading Mod 52, in the body of the text talking abou
t socket assembly, it relates the new W24/5 pin should be test fit. So, can
someone tell me the difference between the W24/7, W24/5 and W24/4 terminolo
gy as it relates to the pins? I know it is proabably a simple answer for th
is esteemed group, but I appreciate any info as I am trying to increase my k
nowledge of this wonderful aircraft.
> Tyler J.
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