Gerald, please send me an SO form before a) the rush & b)
I forget about it! David
"Steven Pitt" <> wrote:
> The Europa Club Membership Subscriptions will be due at
>the end of March and this year we have made some
>important changes to the way you can make these payments.
>Please find attached the full story which will also
>appear in the next Europa Flyer due out later this month.
>The new systems are highlighted here:
>For all UK Members, or those with a UK Bank account - we
>ask you to send the 25 to the Club by way of standing
>order direct from your Bank account. Once set up you will
>never need reminding of the payment (due the 1st April
>annually) and there are no Bank charges involved on
>either side so we both get maximum value for your
> Please ask the Membership Secretary for a Standing Order
>form, even if you use online banking. It is essential
>that you quote all the correct details and references,
>and the pre-printed form contains all the information
>needed, customised for your own subscription.
>For all other members we have now set up a Paypal
>facility and you will see this when you enter the renewal
>page on the website (after entering your personal
>details). This will allow you to pay from your PayPal
>account, or, if you don't have one, with a credit or
>debit card through the PayPal system . Whilst there are
>still bank charges they are much reduced.
> In addition we will now allow new members to join any
>time in the year on a full membership (rather than with
>half year subscriptions as well as annual payments) -join
>2nd March, get almost 13 months membership.
> So now there is no excuse for not joining and renewing
>your subs in the years ahead.
> Please let us have any feedback on the changes as
> Steve Pitt, Chairman; Nigel Graham, Treasurer; Gerald
>Tagg, MemSec