Could I have one too please
Kevin Challis
On 7 Mar 2013, at 10:43, "David Joyce" <> wrote:
> Gerald, please send me an SO form before a) the rush & b) I forget about it!
> "Steven Pitt" <> wrote:
>> The Europa Club Membership Subscriptions will be due at the end of March and
this year we have made some important changes to the way you can make these
payments. Please find attached the full story which will also appear in the next
Europa Flyer due out later this month. The new systems are highlighted here:
>> For all UK Members, or those with a UK Bank account - we ask you to send the
25 to the Club by way of standing order direct from your Bank account. Once set
up you will never need reminding of the payment (due the 1st April annually)
and there are no Bank charges involved on either side so we both get maximum
value for your subscriptions.
>> Please ask the Membership Secretary for a Standing Order form, even if you
>> use
online banking. It is essential that you quote all the correct details and
references, and the pre-printed form contains all the information needed,
for your own subscription.
>> For all other members we have now set up a Paypal facility and you will see
this when you enter the renewal page on the website (after entering your
details). This will allow you to pay from your PayPal account, or, if you
don't have one, with a credit or debit card through the PayPal system . Whilst
there are still bank charges they are much reduced.
>> In addition we will now allow new members to join any time in the year on a
full membership (rather than with half year subscriptions as well as annual
-join 2nd March, get almost 13 months membership.
>> So now there is no excuse for not joining and renewing your subs in the years
>> Please let us have any feedback on the changes as outlined.
>> Steve Pitt, Chairman; Nigel Graham, Treasurer; Gerald Tagg, MemSec