Tony,=0A--- Depending on the thickness you need. I used waste from th
e tri-gear leg sockets ribs. I cut a 2 1/2 inch circle with a hole saw, the
n it was cut down through its edge at the angel needed to contour the side
of the fuselage. Worked a treat.=0A=0A============
=========0A=0ARichard Wheelwright=0A=======
==============0A =0A=0A__________________________
______=0A From: Tony Renshaw <>=0ATo: europa-list@m =0ASent: Saturday, 1 June 2013, 9:17=0ASubject: Europa-List: R
ear Trailing Edge Lift Pin Socket Mounting=0A =0A=0A--> Europa-List messag
e posted by: Tony Renshaw <>=0A=0AI would like to r
equest advice regarding methods of shaping the ply inserts for the rear Tra
iling Edge Lift Pin Sockets if anyone has digressed from the manual, either
by material/medium or method. Thanks.=0ARegards=0ATony Renshaw=0ASydney Au