It would be worth researching exhaust extraction. I have it on my Lycoming
(pusher Long EZ) and it works=0AWarm day, full throttle on the ground for 1
0 minutes, throttle back and it cools down from near red line..=0AGraham=0A
=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: Guerner Remi <air.guerner@o>=0ATo: Europa-List Digest Server <> =0ASe
nt: Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 9:11=0ASubject: Europa-List: Re: Woodcomp or Air>=0A=0A<<<<The "extra" twist for enhancement of cowl port a
irflow is not a =0Afactor in a 912s application.>>>>>=0A=0AHi Ira,=0AI have
630 hours on my Airmaster AP332/WarpDrive and I am very happy with the rel
iability and performance of this prop. But the cooling problem on the groun
d with the WarpDrive blades is a big inconvenience, with any engine. All Eu
ropas I know, fitted with the WarpDrive prop, fixed or variable pitch, even
with the 80 HP 912 have this ground cooling problem as soon as they have t
o wait more than a few minutes at the holding point in hot weather. With th
e existing Europa XS cowl, I believe the only- solution would be to have
wider blades at the root and higher twist, as offered by Woodcomp. =0ARegar
ds=0ARemi Guerner=0AF-PGKL, XS Monowheel, 912ULS, 1014 hours.=0A- =0A=0A_