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Re: Europa-List: Re: Woodcomp or Airmaster Prop

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Woodcomp or Airmaster Prop
From: Bud Yerly <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 15:32:50
Having been the US Dealer now for nearly six years and I have put blades 
on everything from Rans, Vans, Kitfox, Highlander, Zenith, Ximango, and 
every other in between using the Rotax 912, 912S and 914.

The best blade is more of a decision on how you want to fly and how much 
maintenance you want to do.  Each prop manufacturer tries to optimize 
his prop for the 912S as it is the most common engine in the 
experimental fleet.  Back to my previous post, a light prop blade is 
great until you hit something, fly through rain, sand and the like which 
leave you grounded for months, tough blades last longer but are heavier 
and weight is a penalty....

As the US Dealer for Airmaster and Europa, I test blades for Martin from 
time to time for the Europa and other planes.  Again, we have found the 
best blades to be Whirlwind for speed, WD for toughness, Sensenich in 
between.  I don't do Bolly or Kiev.  Max length for any WD is 67 inches 
or the prop just makes noise, and 64 inch is tollerable provided the 
blade has a wider tip.  Same for Whirlwind.  Sensenich is better on 
float planes at 68 to 70 inches due to the tip shape, twist and chord 

As for length of the prop, I have tried a number.  Don't get into that 
trap of longer is always better.  Look at your engine and torque or prop 
power curve.  The Rotax only turns at 2050 at cruise prop speed.  So one 
would think I need a longer prop, but to absorb the torque it would need 
a narrower blade, have less area, and be twisted in a way where it is 
stalled at some speeds or altitudes...  The Sensenich doesn't really 
perform (swept tip) until over 68 inches any better than the others 
because the sweep of the tip lowers the pull from the tip (but it looks 
cool).  The Whirlwind is only average at the longer blade lengths but is 
great at the short lengths due to the wide tip and generous mid chord.  
Trust me, the 64-68 inch WD narrow chord sucks on the Europa and 
anything else.  Max length is 67 inches for the wider chord blades and 
works fine for any of the 912S and 914 engines.  I attain as much speed 
with my 64 as a 67, on the Fascination or Europa, why, the blade is at a 
higher angle and more of my prop is pulling due to the twist angle at 
our speed range (over 130 KIAS).  The 67 out accellerates from 70-100 
the short blade is all that I have seen.

We have seen many claims about cooling, twist and static thrust.  
Frankly the 64 inch for a 914 is the min diameter and 67 is the max 
because of engine torque, or lack of it.  The actual performance 
difference is minimal.  Ground clearance takes care of the prop ding 
problem.  The FAA mandates a min clearance and our Europa is at the min 
clearance now.  

I too like the KISS principle.  I prefer to have folks fly, not tinker, 
but that is the choice of each builder.  

Call or email me anytime, and I can discuss further what we have seen as 
a dealer...

Bud Yerly

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: N6ZY<> 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 10:58 AM
  Subject: Europa-List: Re: Woodcomp or Airmaster Prop


  Thanks to everyone who answered my original post, there was a lot of 
information there.  My end conclusion was much as when I posted, that 
the Woodcomp prop blades are really good, but the combination of poor 
quality control and lack of US support makes the Airmaster a better bet 
for me.  I dismissed the MT prop option as being expensive, and I know 
---From previous experience that MT are not always responsive and they are 
not troubled by excessive humility!

  So I phoned Martin at Airmaster yesterday and we discussed the options 
for 20 minutes.  He gets his blades from various suppliers, and 
basically agrees that it would be much better if he had blades with more 
twist in them.  He is looking into a number of options.  This includes 
using Whirlwind blades; although they are a competitor, they are now 
willing to supply him.  Another option is blades from either Helix or 
Neuform in Germany.  Finally he can use any of the Sensenich blades.  He 
suggested that I phone the various blade manufacturers to see what they 
have for my application.

  The other question we discussed was the prop diameter.  I will fly 98% 
of the time off hard runways, and cannot see that a 68" diameter prop 
would be impractical even allowing for flat nosewheel tires (tyres?  I 
am a Brit living in the US) and my bad landings.  That would open up the 
number of blade options.  I know that Frans has increased his clearance 
using some form of nose gear spacer, but I would rather keep it simple 
if I can.  In addition using a 3 blade prop may make the use of smaller 
diameter blades equivalent to larger 2 blades.

  My end result is that I will delay the blade selection as long as 
possible, but will go with the Airmaster prop, probably with 3 blades, 
and possibly with Whirlwind blades.  They appear from their website to 
be well shaped with adequate blade twist.

  Any reactions to the use of a larger diameter prop would be 
appreciated.  Thanks again for the interest and inputs.


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