I am distressed that you are still having cooling issues. If you did
all I described in the cooling 101 article printed in the Europa Flyer,
it should cool handily.
I can operate for 25 minutes on the ground and not hit 275F on a 90F
day. The XS cowl is not optimal, but the root width is the same with my
332 as yours.
The mono exit from your engine compartment is probably only an inch
wide, but if your ducting is sealed you should be able to cool very well
in Europe.
I gave Martin my ideas for a root extension for the ferrule on the WD
blade, as I just don't have time to make one up. It basically is an
extension to the blade and a riveted airfoil shape to the spinner
similar to the new blades on the C130J and other turboprop engine/prop
combinations. That will help a breeze close in to the cowl, but is
intended for cruise performance increase.
Check your ducting carefully. If you did not see my changes for the XS
cowl, refer to my website or Airmaster's website (Europa Application)
for download.
Bud Yerly<>
----- Original Message -----
From: Guerner Remi<>
To: Europa-List Digest Server<>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 4:11 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Woodcomp or Airmaster Prop
<<<<The "extra" twist for enhancement of cowl port airflow is not a
factor in a 912s application.>>>>>
Hi Ira,
I have 630 hours on my Airmaster AP332/WarpDrive and I am very happy
with the reliability and performance of this prop. But the cooling
problem on the ground with the WarpDrive blades is a big inconvenience,
with any engine. All Europas I know, fitted with the WarpDrive prop,
fixed or variable pitch, even with the 80 HP 912 have this ground
cooling problem as soon as they have to wait more than a few minutes at
the holding point in hot weather. With the existing Europa XS cowl, I
believe the only solution would be to have wider blades at the root and
higher twist, as offered by Woodcomp.
Remi Guerner
F-PGKL, XS Monowheel, 912ULS, 1014 hours.<