=0A=0AAlan=0AIs your plane a Classic? A wobbling spinner is not good, Class
ic spinner backplates were not round=0Aunless you are lucky and have one of
the dished carbon fibre ones.-=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A________________________
________=0A From: Alan Carter <alancarteresq@onetel.net>=0ATo: europa-list@
matronics.com =0ASent: Friday, 9 August 2013, 0:57=0ASubject: Europa-List:
lancarteresq@onetel.net>=0A=0AHi All.=0AI have the pro tape, maybe i will w
ait a while before doing anything.=0AMy prop i guess is already out of bala
nce, People tell me the spinner is going up and down, but i really don,t no
tice anything in the cockpit.=0AIts been like it for years as the previous
owner never did anything to the aircraft and just clocked up 300 hours of c
heap flying,Plus the 5 hours after i had paid for it.=0AThe prop is a Airpl
arse- PV50, seems to have a groups- of washers [5] in three places loca
ted around the hub, all you could do is file bits of the washers, see no ot
her way,?? have no spares washers.=0AHow long would it take with a (prop ba
lancer) to balance a prop.??=0AThe nearest place to Headcorn that could do
the job.?=0A=0ARegards.=0AAlan=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARead this topic online here: