No idea whether it could be a factor, but I notice on G-INFO that there was
a very recent Permit-to-Fly valid to 14 August 2014. Appears to have been
owned by a Group at a microlight site.
*Philip J. Levi*
G-BWWB, Mono, Old Warden.
On 23 August 2013 19:24, Alan Carter <> wrote:
> >
> I would go for stall or spin, but I understand he was a pilot with a
> reasonable amount of hours on type, and they always go for pilot error, so
> its only guess work from me, and structural failure meaning loss of control
> through some component failing, not the wings breaking off or tail plane.
> I hope the investigators find the right cause of this crash,
> Alan
> Read this topic online here: