Hi All
I have used the same Polarn pump for the last four years. No battery needed a
nd allows precise control directly from the jerry can that I place on a stoo
l. Can't remember where I purchased from. This link has a good picture.
Your hand is left free to guide the filler tube into the filter.
Easy and safe.
On 4 Sep 2013, at 21:27, John Heykoop <john.heykoop@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I fitted a car battery and a standard Europa fuel pump on a 'sack barrow',
but filling the plane this way takes a lot longer than refueling by simply l
ifting the jerry can above my shoulders. There is also the hassle of having t
o load the barrow into the car every time I go flying. So I soon got fed up w
ith this and now do everything the hard way. The exercise probably does me g
> What I haven't been able to master is how to keep a filter funnel upright w
hile refueling from a jerry can (my Europa is an XS). After the damn thing h
ad fallen over a number of times, covering me and the plane with fuel I deci
ded to do without. So far without adverse consequences - I have never found a
drop of water in the fuel, and my gascolator filter is always very clean. A
ll the same, I am uneasy about not using a filter funnel, and would be inter
ested to know how other XS owners manage this.
> John
> Europa XS G-JHKP
> On 4 Sep 2013, at 18:39, Alan Burrill <alanb@dpy01.co.uk> wrote:
>> Personally I use 10 litre fuel cans which I can lift to pour into a filte
r funnel with a micro mesh filter.
>> I have also seen a standard fuel pump, as in the Europa electric pump, co
nnect to a small rechargeable lead acid cell. All mounted on a 'Sack Barrow'
with a 25 litre can.
>> Alan
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 4 Sep 2013, at 15:48, "Alan Carter" <alancarteresq@onetel.net> wrote:
>>> Hi All.
>>> My plan is LAA cleared for use with MOGAS.
>>> I fill it with a 28 litre plastic cann, lifting this weight of fuel to a
bove my shoulders to fill the plan is hard work.
>>> I know Trans Air do a filler nozzle hand pump, I presume this take a lot
of time squeezing the trigger to re fill.??
>>> Has anyone used or details off , an electric inline pump that can be plu
gged into the aircrafts AUX power socket, I have not seen any on the market,
so is it make your own,??
>>> Regards.
>>> Alan
>>> Read this topic online here:
>>> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=408005#408005