Alan, you have in effect got a dual supply - the battery
and the alternator. If you have wired things according to
the Europa instructions you will find that you can switch
off both main & alternator switches in flight and the
engine keeps running. All the electrical instruments which
haven't got internal batteries go out, which is a bit
scary but the engine remains entirely happy, fuelled by
the electric pump run directly off the alternator.
Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ (914 mono)
"Alan Carter" <> wrote:
> Hi All.
> I just have one Odyssey haven't a clue as to the size of
>it, also a 914,
> But to me it seems crazy to rely totally on electrics
>for fuel supply.
> If the fuel stops the engine stops.
> Why hasn't the 914 a mechanical pump, as well as an
>electrical pump. What's the reason not have a mechanical
>pump in the system, the 912 have both.
> Its the same as having a totally electric instrument
>panel, I much prefer
> a dual system. Systems do fail and usually its the time
>when you really didn't want it too.
> Alan
> Read this topic online here: