Manfred=0AIs this the Europa I saw under construction many years ago with t
he outriggers =0Aretracting into the oputer wing panels? You will remember
Norbert Hoffmann I'm sure.=0AGlad to hear you have flown at last. I hope yo
u still have enough years left to enjoy it=0A=0A=C2-Always interesting to
hear stories like this.=0AFly safe and vielen dank!=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A
=0A________________________________=0A From: Manfred Jann <wemjot.das@kabel>=0ATo: =0ASent: Monday, 14 October 2013,
18:41=0ASubject: Europa-List: First flight of my EUROPA 242, Classic=0A =0A
=0A=0A =0AHallo, to the group of all EUROPA enthusiasts on this=0Aforum=C2
- =0A=C2-=0AI=99m happy to announce that my EUROPA No. 2
42 =93 Classic has successfully reached the sky few days ago, on 08.
Oct., at 12:02=0Aa=99clock local time, at the airport of Luebeck in N
orth GERMANY- after 17=0Ayears building on it.=C2- My instructor and test
pilot, C. Peter Vajen, was=0Avery happy about the workmanship, the perform
ance and flight characteristics. =0AI have prepared a detailed report of th
is first=0Aflight and the whole story about my time consuming building proc
ess and the=0Amany modifications I did. =0ABut I don=99t know whether
somebody is interested=0Aon this? So let me know whether I should put the
whole story on this forum, or=0Asomebody wants it separately by E-Mail dire
ctly from me?? My E-Mail is as=0Afollows:=C2-=C2- wemjot.das@kabelmail.