Bob=0AI can verify that occasionally such drastic incidents are surviveable
. I can also confirm that compression fractures of the spine do result, so
I am very impressed with Fred Klein's solution. =0AMy own conclusion is tha
t unless one's training is so good that one can guarantee not having an acc
idental spin, (which I can not!) for me a Long EZ would be a more forgiving
airplane. I flew several EZs for 15 years, when I started flying Europa's
I soon realised that EZs may well make one overconfident. I have spun many
airplanes and gliders, as "good practice/training?" trouble with spin recov
ery is you end up going straight down at high speed halfway through the rec
overy.=0AEven so, all airplanes bite if not respected at all times. IOW don
't push your airplane out of it's comfort zone!=0ABottom line is most of us
don't fly enough to be always ahead of the airplane.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A
=0A________________________________=0A From: Bob Harrison <>=0ATo: =0ASent: Sunday, 27 October 2013, 0
:18=0ASubject: RE: Europa-List: Seatbelt mount=0A =0A=0A=0AHi! Mark,=0AI ha
ve for some time been aware of this issue and possible compression of the s
pine from the harness location of the Europa . =0AI have over 1000 hours wi
th the harness all as standard .=C2- Perhaps such a drastic incident woul
d be likely unsurvivable anyway.=0AHowever I have at some time seen an arra
ngement with a hinged block on top of the existing seat back which ensures
that the potential for any spine compressive forces =C2-is removed.=C2-
=C2-However It would need extensive load testing and need to be very res
ilient so I=99ve never done anything further. It would also need the
length of the shoulder straps to be much longer .=0ARegards=0ABob Harrison [mailto:owner] On Behalf Of 26 October 2013 22:22=0ATo:
t: Europa-List: Seatbelt mount=0A=C2-=0AHi,=0A=C2-=0AAt the beginning o
f the year I purchased a Europa XS Tri Gear about 60% completed project.=C2
- I=99ve been reading your postings which have been helping me with
my project.=C2- I=99ve been reading somewhere about the rear mount
ing point for the seatbelt is not in the best position and I was wondering
what the thoughts were on relocating the rear mount point to the roof of th
e cockpit.=0A=C2-=0AHas anyone done this before?=C2- I was wondering wh
at your thoughts were, weather it would be worth the extra work or would it
just be a waste of time?=0A=C2-=0AMark =0AKit 451 (Australia)=0A=C2-