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Europa-List: One wing Low

Subject: Europa-List: One wing Low
From: Guerner Remi <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 17:04:13

To Air Europa,
It seems to me you should clarify whether you are experiencing a One Wing Low or
a One Wing Heavy condition, as the causes and remedies may be different.
1. One Wing Heavy:  you need to apply constant pressure to the stick. As soon as
you release it, the left wing drops and the aircraft turns to the left. If this
is what you are experiencing, I think you have done the right things: adjusting
the flaps and adding some sort of trim tabs to the aileron. These should
solve the problem, but only for a given load, a given power setting and a given
airspeed. When you slow down, for example, the compensation is less effective
and the aircraft wants to turn left again. This is normal. There is probably
nothing wrong with your aircraft: the Europa is very sensitive to the lateral
repartition of the load. It makes a big difference between flying solo and 
with a passenger, even with lightweight persons. The ultimate solution is
to install an in flight adjustable trim system to the ailerons and possibly
to the rudder. These will allow to fly hands free in all conditions, climb, 
descent, solo or fully loaded.
2. One Wing Low: let's say you are flying with no pressure on the rudder pedals
nor on the stick  and the aircraft is flying on a constant heading and you see
your left wing is lower than the right one.  The ball of your slip indicator
is offset to the left, confirming your wings are not level. That means that the
aircraft is flying in a stabilized forward slip. Then push the rudder pedal
to the left to center the ball and press the stick to the right to prevent the
aircraft from turning left. Then, you will be flying straight and level, but
with some constant pressure applied to the controls. Add a tab to the rudder
and adjust it until a constant push on the pedal is no longer necessary at 
You still have to press the stick to the right to fly straight and level,
so you are now in the One Wing Heavy condition. Then refer to 1.
I hope that helps.
Remi Guerner
F-PGKL   XS Monowheel

<<<<<<<<I have been trying to figure out why my airplane flies One Wing Low on
the left
I have tried a number of things to see if I could get the wing up. Bud suggested
that I tape a couple of pencils to the opposite Aileron and that helped, but
not help that much. 

I have lower the flap on the left and that has helped in the cruise flight, but
as soon as I slow down the wing well drop.

One other thing, I weight 250lbs.  I have put sand bags up to 150lbs in the 
seat.  It did not help with my problem.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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