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Europa-List: One wing low

Subject: Europa-List: One wing low
From: Jim McAvoy <>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 07:37:55

Thanks Tony, I was about to throw in my 2 bobs worth.

I also experienced some "one wing low" symptoms early on, but did not want the
(slight) extra weight and complications of servos etc. or the cosmetic ugliness
of trim tabs.
My fix for both aileron and rudder trim turned out to be what I consider an 

For lateral adjustments, I made attach points at the base of the control stick
and ran light bungee cord either side to small plastic cleats, I think they are
designed for blind cords. It's simple in flight to reach down and adjust the
tension, which biases in either direction.

Same idea for the rudder. The bungee goes from the rudder pedal to a small 
on the firewall and back up to cleats either side of the footwell, within reach
during flight. 

The only time I need to change the roll bungee is when I have a passenger 
Once the rudder was set I found I could remove one side. In my case there would
be no more than 1 lb of pull applied, however the system is capable of 5
or 6 lb, any more than that and I would be looking at overall rigging (uneven
angle of incidence perhaps, or engine mount alignment).

If you would like some pics, email me direct but it will 
a while as the Europa is in storage for the next month or so.

Jim McAvoy
XS Mono

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