Hi All,
I know this has been discussed before but I am just preparing the baggage bay
the landing gear reinforcement layups and have a few questions for those that
have gone before me and successfully completed this mega task.
The manual states layup 2 plies of bid over the entire area of the baggage bay
up to the level of the top of the centre tunnel.
a) Is this best done in one piece of bid? The manual does not state any
What have others done?
b) If done in one piece of bid, is it okay to cut the corner folds and overlap?
This would certainly make for a simpler and neater installation and would also
increase the number of layers in the corners. Surely a good thing?
I intend to layup the bid on plastic, my normal method for easier handling,
attempting to introduce to the baggage bay.
Next, the manual states - add 2 plies of uni, to the same height, onto the
bay rear bulkhead from the sidewall to the central tunnel, with the fibres
running spanwise.
c) I am assuming this is just on the inner aft side of the baggage bay box?
Also, there is no mention of any overlap onto the floor, sides or centre tunnel,
so just into the corners then?
Interested to hear what others have done for this part of the build and what is
considered best practice for this layup.
The fuselage top is still off so slightly easier but the back support belt and
pain relief cream are standing by!
Many thanks.
Kelv Weston
Kit 497
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