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RE: Europa-List: Re: DOOR detached during flight

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: DOOR detached during flight
From: Karl Heindl <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2014 11:58:01
But is it not desirable that the hinges fail when the door opens in flight 
? Rather than having the door flapping about and doing untold damage ?Karl

> Subject: Europa-List: Re: DOOR detached during flight
> From:
> Date: Fri=2C 4 Jul 2014 00:26:43 -0700
> To:
> Can we just get one thing straight - the hinge did not break.  The struct
ure has torn away around the hinge due to a tear-out failure mode.  The for
ce generated by the door flying up means that almost any airworthy structur
e would have failed.
> There is nothing wrong with the hinge design or manufacture.  Build to th
e spec and ensure the pins are engaged and the system is 100% reliable.
> Any changes to this area is deemed to be a mod and would need to be justi
fied by a stress analysis and design submission to the LAA (in the UK).
> Regards
> JW
> --------
> John Wighton
> Europa XS trigear G-IPOD
> Read this topic online here:

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