John and all,
Mal Mc Lures "lock" design is a simple two engaging blocks such that the door is
closed and the middle part of the door frame is pulled in, and over this step
arrangement. They are no more than 20x20 x 6mm in size, with a single rivet
holding them in place, and maybe some redux underneath, knowing how Mal built.
So you close the door, pull in at the middle bottom until it clicks, and then
actuate closed. If something so simple needs a mod, and how you would do any
stress analysis, and of what, anything is a mute point. I would say it would be
impossible and based on a raft of other suppositions. It's a simple addition,
not a mod per se.
Sent from my iPad
> On 4 Jul 2014, at 2:26 am, "John Wighton" <> wrote:
> Can we just get one thing straight - the hinge did not break. The structure
has torn away around the hinge due to a tear-out failure mode. The force
by the door flying up means that almost any airworthy structure would have
> There is nothing wrong with the hinge design or manufacture. Build to the
> spec
and ensure the pins are engaged and the system is 100% reliable.
> Any changes to this area is deemed to be a mod and would need to be justified
by a stress analysis and design submission to the LAA (in the UK).
> Regards
> JW
> --------
> John Wighton
> Europa XS trigear G-IPOD
> Read this topic online here: